NEW Selection Process
I would like to introduce to you the new Big 33/East-West All Star game specialist selection process.
This award will be championed by Coach John Zima of Kick It. The objective of this new process is to acknowledge all of the best punters and kickers through out the state.
The nomination will be determined by specific specialist measurements and an evaluation formula to establish the 5-7 best punters and kickers from the East and West. Those selected will then proceed to a contest for the East on December16th at Spooky Nook Sports Complex in Manhiem PA and for the west on January 20th at South Side Sports Complex, Pittsburg PA. The contest will be conducted by Kick It which will determine the top specialist in the state (punter and kicker). Those players will be presented to the Big 33 specialist committee for their evaluations and selection.
Criteria for Consideration
A player must be a senior in Pennsylvania.
A player must play in at least 50% of the regular season games.
Stats from the playoff games would not be included in the assessment.
Stats must be documented via your team statistician and provided to the local media - online, TV, newspaper. This will allow for full discloser and allow the players to watch the competition through out the season.
Data Elements
It will be critical step in the process for your statistician to capture this data.
With these data points, Coach Zima will enter them into a formula within a spreadsheet format that will provide the top candidates for selection. Highest percentage of scores would be the strongest recommendations. Additionally, he will add his professional summary notes on the players.
There will be three categories listed, excellent technique, good technique, fair technique, which will identify the player with the best technique that will allow them to move on to the next level. As you know, a player can have a “padded points or stats” and not be on top of the leagues best skilled players. The video review will help to validate the top players.
How to Nominate
If you have a candidate that you feel has the potential to compete for this program, please provide Coach Zima with the following information, you may have your player directly contact Coach Zima to ease the responsibility -
Contact information, email, cell number
Coach name and email, cell number
Local media